Generate Look A like Lists


Generate Look A like Lists

Expand your reach and discover new accounts who closely resemble your best customers using Valasys AI's Look-Alike List generation service that identifies accounts with similar characteristics.
  • Tap into Untapped Market Segments
  • With Look-Alike Lists, you can extend your reach beyond your existing customer base and tap into untapped market segments to target new prospects who have a higher likelihood of being interested in your products or services.

  • Unlock New Business Opportunities
  • By expanding your target audience through Look-Alike Lists, you unlock new opportunities. By reaching out to these prospects with marketing strategies, you can nurture relationships and drive conversions, leading to business growth & increased revenue.

How to?

Steps to Generate Look-Alike Lists

Select Top Customers
Choose your top customers as the basis for generating Look-Alike Lists. These customers represent your most valuable and successful accounts.
Choose Product details
Refine your selection by choosing the product, categories & subcategories that your offerings fall into.
Choose the Industry
Select the industry or industries that are most relevant to your products or services.
Click on "Generate Look-A-Like"
Once you have made your selections, click on the "Generate Look-A-Like" button.