LGPD: Brazilian General Data Protection Law


This policy outlines Valasys' commitment to comply with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and protect the privacy and data of our customers, stakeholders, and employees. We have implemented specific procedures and trained our staff and stakeholders to respect individuals' rights and ensure the security and integrity of their personal data.

Scope of LGPD

The LGPD is a comprehensive data protection law that applies to data controllers and processors. It covers various aspects of data protection, including the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO), Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA), data transfers, data breaches, and the establishment of the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD). The law aims to protect personal data and regulate how companies can collect, process, store, and use such information.

Personal Data

Under the LGPD, personal data is defined as information that can directly or indirectly identify a natural person. This includes standard data such as name and address, as well as sensitive data like health records and biometric data. Valasys is dedicated to safeguarding our customers' personal data and ensuring compliance with LGPD guidelines.

Data Subject Rights

The LGPD grants data subjects several fundamental rights, similar to those outlined in the GDPR. These rights include the right to be informed, right of access, right to object, right to rectification and erasure of data, right to data portability, and the right not to be subject to automated decision-making or profiling. Valasys is committed to ensuring that these rights are respected and upheld for all our customers.


Valasys adheres to the principles outlined in Article 6 of the LGPD, which include good faith, purpose, adequacy, necessity, free access, data quality, transparency, security, prevention, non-discrimination, and accountability. These principles guide our data processing activities and ensure that fundamental rights and freedoms are protected.

Appointment of Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Valasys has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee data protection compliance. The DPO plays a crucial role in managing and monitoring adherence to data protection rules and ensuring effective enforcement protocols. They are responsible for handling complaints, providing clarifications, reporting data breaches, and instructing employees and contractors on personal data protection practices.

Departures from the Policy

While we strive to comply with this policy, there may be exceptional circumstances where limited departures are necessary. In such cases, we consult with the Data Protection Officer before taking any action. Our Privacy Policy statements serve as the ultimate guiding principles in any disputes or departures from this policy.

At Valasys Media, we are fully committed to complying with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and protecting the privacy and data of our customers and stakeholders. Our dedication to data protection ensures that we maintain transparency, security, and accountability in all our data processing activities.